If not yet registered on de.musicainfo.net #
- Register on https://en.musicainfo.net/registrieren
- Wait 5 minutes maximum – you will receive an email from us when your Musicainfo.Radio account is ready.
- Log in to https://musicainfo.radio with the same username/password as on en.musicainfo.net
If already registered on de.musicainfo.net #
- Log in to https://musicainfo.radio with the same username/password as on en.musicainfo.net
You must first register at https://en.musicainfo.net to use https://musicainfo.radio. Your chosen username and password will also be automatically available to https://musicainfo.radio within a maximum of 5 minutes after successful registration at https://de.musicainfo.net.
If you are already registered on https://en.musicainfo.net, you can log in to https://musicainfo.radio with your username and password.