- Artist and Title: Display the title and composer/performer/artist of the current track. The number preceding the title is the item number of the corresponding sheet music. So they can find the right notes at https://en.musicainfo.net.
- Played time: Shows how many minutes and seconds of the current piece have already been played back
- Play/Pause button: Starts and stops playback
- Go to the next song in the queue: If you have added one or more songs to the queue using
(e.g. in the case of a playlist), you can jump to the next track in the queue by clicking on the button.
- Stop: Stops the playback of the current track.
- Volume: Click with the mouse on the desired position in the blue bar between the two speaker symbols to change the volume.
- Total duration: Indicates the total duration of the current piece in minutes and seconds.
- Add to Playlist: Adds all tracks in the queue to a new or existing playlist.
- Queue: The queue shows which pieces will be played next. By means of
you have e.g. marked one or more tracks in a playlist, which can be played after the current song. The list is scrollable.
- Remove song from queue: By clicking on the “X” at the right edge of the respective song, a piece can be removed from the queue.
- Play in random order: Rows the songs of the cue in random order.
- Repeat: By clicking the button the whole queue will be played from the beginning after the last piece of the queue is played.
- Progress bar: Shows how much of the current song has already been played. You can click anywhere in both the blue – and red bars to jump to the desired location.
- Go to the previous song in the queue: If you have added one or more songs to the queue using
(e.g. for a playlist), you can click the button to go back to the previous track in the queue.
- Favorites: By clicking on the heart, they add the current piece to their favorites.
- Rate song: Give 1 -5 stars for the current song. Five stars if they like it very much.
- Comment: Add a comment to the current suffering.
- Show album cover: If available, you can display the album (cover) of the current song by clicking on the icon.
- Hide- show player: Hide the player and bring it back to the foreground.